The collaborative process


Ultimately, the success of our collaboration depends greatly on you. I meet my clients at the same level at which they are willing to invest in the process. I depend on you to actively participate so I can give you the very best of “armed with ink.” If you are willing to do the hard work and go deep with the questionnaires, be responsive/communicative, provide status updates, edit each iteration with fresh objectivity, and be transparent and forthright if you experience “bumps” that are inevitable along the way, you are assured of results beyond your expectations.

If for whatever reason(s) you are not able to deeply invest yourself, results will reflect that. There’s no judgement any which way, but it’s something you need to know before we begin.


Consultation / Proposal / Written Agreement

  1. Our collaboration begins with a 15-minute conversation to assess whether your project and my services are a best fit. (If you’re ready to begin right now, feel free to schedule an appointment.)  
  2. If so, I will submit a detailed proposal for your review and approval, including cost, payment milestones, project specs, project milestones and a completion date.
  3. If the terms of the proposal are agreeable to you, we will both sign an agreement and then the creative writing process officially beings. 

    Clarifying Your Vision 

  4. You will receive a comprehensive list of compelling questions that allows you to explore and clarify your business vision. This process is about getting the information out of your head and onto (virtual) paper. This is the most important aspect of the entire collaboration. The more time and focus you invest in this critical activity, the more accurately I am able to grok the information and propel your vision by capturing the precise language that resonates with the heart of your audience.
  5. When that is complete, I will review your responses in detail and ask any additional questions to make sure I have all the information I need to proceed. 

    Creative Writing Begins 

  6. When I have your responses and clarifications, it is now time for my accountability to you. My job is to weave the material you provided into word-gold. I start with Version 1 and submit this to you.
  7. You take my first version and conduct a review using the Track Changes feature in Word. We do this dance – passing the document(s) between us – until we agree on the final, which is usually 2-3 rounds of edits. If you have more than one project, we repeat steps 6 and 7 until the project specifications indicated in our contract are delivered in full.


Not only a New Earth Leader, you are also a person, healing past events to restore you to a sovereign state of ultimate wholeness. That’s why I implement a holistic approach. Addressing you as a whole person is essential to your success as a business owner AND being.

When we embark on this journey together, there may be unfoldments that surprise you in terms of what the process evokes emotionally. It is not uncommon for clients to become discouraged or overwhelmed, decide to stop our progression, stop communicating/disappear, reveal an entrenched pain-point/pattern, or unearth a traumatic or emotional event.

Know that all of this is a welcome – and common – part of our collaboration. You may not expect a childhood trauma (as one example) to surface as you show up more fully in living your purpose, but they are interwoven in a pattern that on some level is ready to be transmuted. We know that by the simple fact that it shows up. Between us, you and I are equipped for this. The dynamic we share is the safe container for addressing these issues without compromising your project objectives. As together we turn our attention temporarily to more emotional, intimate or personal matters, quite miraculously, it informs and fuels your project. All is perfect and all facets of you matter here.

Every client is unique, requiring a combination of both technical and intuitive/healing skills on my part. If you show up fully, ready and willing to address whatever personal matters surface throughout the process of developing your content, I will show up fully as well, equipped to guide you through to a successful accomplishment of your professional goals via personal circumstances. In the spirit of conscious collaboration, we’ll do it together!

calligraphy pen pointer

If you are sparked to connect, feel free to schedule a 30-minute chat.
You will have the gift of my full attention without a sales agenda. Together we will follow our inspiration and discover if we have a fertile, organic basis for collaborating.